Free Resources from my heart to yours
I am so happy you have landed here and decided to take a step towards;
Living in alignment
and feel at
peace showing
up exactly
as you are
Feeling fulfilled
and free from
the inside out
Up-leveling your
self love &
self confidence

Feeling deeply connected to yourself and others
Accessing your unlimited power & potential

Here you will find some amazing free resources that i have put together through many years of research and living life as my authentic, free and happy self. These resources have also supported many women and clients from across the globe, to do exactly that ^
Take what you need and desire. If there is anything you would LOVE to see me do a free training on, please reach out. Your feedback in welcome.

A free workshop teaching you the 3 things that prevent you from having fun and how to move from feeling unhappy, to feeling more alive, juicy and joyful, so you can have this ripple out into all aspects of your life AND have this FUEL your passions, creativity, higher purpose, or new business venture
ALIVE is 1.5 hour in length

A powerful training guiding you to return to your personal power, so you can living more authentically and feel at peace showing up exactly as you are. Get clear on who you are and what you want, uncover anything that might be standing in the way, connect to your personal power and feel confident going out into the world and expressing the fullness of who you are.
Personal Power Mastery is 1 hour in length


On the Hearts Entwined Podcast we dive into all things self worth and the value of discovering, nurturing and maintaining your self worth, so you can be more empowered and live a happier life. LISTEN HERE

On the Journey to Limitless Podcast with Courtney Bussard. We talked all about following your truth, living in alignment with your soul and in accordance with your true values, so you can live a life of freedom, fun and fulfillment. LISTEN HERE